that perfect hand…

In Ocean's 11, Danny said that "the house always wins. If you play long enough, never change the stakes, then the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big… and then, you take the house." Here's the hand I've been dealt, sometimes it's risky and sometimes it's safe, but all the time… it's perfect. It's mine.


i recommend driving

I used to think that road trips were a nuisance. Aside from being squashed into the car with my five siblings, particularly grumpy when I had to sit by my older brother, on a summer vacation, when we’d both wear shorts and his prickly legs would rub against mine. The coveted spot would be if Mom would let one of us squish up front with her… and even then, as one of the oldest my days for cuddling were numbered.

So flying in an airplane seemed like the most amazing thing going, until I took my first plane ride (and subsequently, all the ones afterwards) and I learned that the air pressure and the ear drums God gave me do not have a cohesive relationship. So for the take off I hold my head firmly against the headrest and for the descent, probably a full 45 mins, I cup my head/ears as tightly as I can against my shoulder, massaging my earlobes until they feel like they are going to fall off, and then I am clogged up for about 5 hours minimum after the flight. When Ken and I flew home for Thanksgiving one year, I actually starting crying because it actually HURTS SO MUCH… fortunately, he got to chill and just enjoy the movie that was playing on the WestJet headrests… at least one of us could! I don’t enjoy it for any other reason than it gets me from A to B in a heartbeat.

So I’ve changed my mind.

My heart shifts into overdrive when I am driving, it’s +37 degrees, the sky is reflecting on Kalamalka Lake in the overwhelming, deepest shade of turquoise-blue you’ve ever seen (add Kalamalka Lake on your list of places to see…it’s a true marvel of God’s creation), the sun’s rays are undoubtedly burning my shoulder, the window is wide open and my perfectly coifed blond locks are in distress all over my head, as I round the corner into Vernon to see Paul (my MBFF) and Matchbox 20’s ‘3 Am’ is humming through the stereo.

This is the kind of stuff people dream about. I think so, anyways. Then seeing Paul was like God’s cherry on the top of the valley’s beauty because I miss him so much being so far away and even though our visit passed by in a breath, I am just so thankful that our friendship is what it is that even the shortest breakfast conversation can somehow be enough; even if it only happens once a year. (Go back and look at this post HERE…though I didn’t get any pictures of us this year, I just noticed he was wearing the exact same shirt this time around…things really DON’T change!)

I think that I am learning to be blessed by the little things… not distressed by how short a visit can be or how the fleeting sun seems to hide behind the clouds just as I am leaving work, tucking itself away until it shines again while I am stuck inside the office walls…but rather, joyful that we get hugs by people we love or even get glimpses of the sun.

That’s why I recommend driving. You’d miss out on too much if you chose a quicker route.

(Like I said, seeing Paul was absolutely unreal, I think I had perma grin the whole time and whole way home. And his other BFF, Jeff, was there who I hadn’t seen in two years so it was amazing to catch up. And then, just about two weeks ago, Mark called and he said he bought Jes and plane ticket so we didn’t tell anyone and I lied to Mom and Dad and picked her up at the airport Saturday night…much to their shock upon our return! She is here until Thursday. And yesterday I had a quick visit with a girlfriend of mine from way back in the day in Smithers, Alana, and this picture is of us enjoying the scorching heat in Pentic-lifornia):